Interview ⚡️Meet Devin: Herbalist, Naturalist, and One of Sun Chaser's First Tasters

Interview ⚡️Meet Devin: Herbalist, Naturalist, and One of Sun Chaser's First Tasters - Sun Chaser

This week we got together with Devin Mayhew, one of Sun Chaser's first tasters. Devin gives the scoop on what drinking Sun Chaser is really like and shares how she chases her days through the natural world of plants!

What does being a Sun Chaser mean to you? 

Devin: Being a Sun Chaser means starting the day early for me and my favorite mornings usually involve a sunrise. It feels special and productive when I’m up before the rest of the world. I love spending as much time outside as I can, to really soak up all the vitamin D. I’m from the desert and I come alive when I’m in the sun.

As one of Sun Chaser’s first tasters, what would you tell people trying it for the first time? 

Devin: It’s sooo yummy and I felt fantastic both during the fun and afterwards! Best idea ever! I was surprised by how much I felt it!

How do you chase your days? Especially with social distancing measures making it harder to connect with friends and take big adventures? 

Devin: I chase my days by spending a lot of time still in the sun, just in the comfort of my backyard and school garden. Slowing down, sitting with the plants, making medicine, reading, yoga, drinking water and sitting with myself a lot. 

Why would you drink Sun Chaser? 

Devin: Feeling good and honoring health is so important to be able to appreciate all aspects of my life. Waking up early, spending the day in the garden, learning, pushing myself, even relaxing. These are all things that I would never want to sacrifice because I'm too tired or feeling less-than. On the flip side, I still love getting together with friends to let loose. So for me, Sun Chaser bridges that gap.

You've started your own business, SunSpell, what is SunSpell and what was the journey/inspiration to start it?

Devin: I consider myself a sun worshipper and feel so connected to its energy that I named my herbal company Sun Spell. The journey began with my love for plants, ritual, and medicine. During my studies at  The California School of Herbal Studies, I began working on lots of tinctures, teas, and topical medicines. Recently I began exploring the world of aphrodisiacs and love using nourishing nervines and stimulating aphrodisiacs together to make little love potions for people! I especially celebrate love without boundaries and aim to make products that serve everyone.


Tell us, what is the coolest thing you’ve done so far in 2020?

Devin: The coolest thing I have done in 2020 was a girls trip to Joshua Tree and then followed by a few days in the mountains of Idaho rollerblading and riding bikes amongst the sagebrush, juniper, pine and mullein growing abundantly! It was so special for me. 
You can read more about Devin below, and check out her website to see her latest herbal products! 
Haven't pre-ordered yours? Get very own case of Sun Chaser here
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More about Devin and SunSpell: 

Devin is a certified herbalist based out of occupied Wappo land in Napa and Sonoma County. She has been thoroughly trained at The California School of Herbal Studies and specializes in the art of perfumery and topical medicines. She is passionate about making aphrodisiacs and incorporates them into her daily life. Each botanical remedy is created with the purpose of being soft, receiving and nurturing with oneself. She offers her medicine to bring a balance to you and your day. Offering you a ritual and remedy to help one with the art of slowing down. She is passionate about sustainability and a steward for environmentalism. For more information, check out Sun Spell at

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